5 Ways to Boost your Affiliate Commissions

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In the hustle and bustle of upcoming holidays, it can be easy to lose sight of the little things you can do to differentiate yourself from the competition and increase your affiliate commissions. Here are 5 ways content affiliates and bloggers can easily boost their bottom line:

1. Create content specifically centered around products you have used yourself. This personal knowledge increases the trust factor and can drive additional sales. Plus if you make this content evergreen, it can make you sales for an extended period of time.

2. Eavesdrop for post topics. Your target niche likely has multiple forums, facebook groups and more where potential customers talk about what they love, hate, need, and wish they had. Keep an eye on common topics and create posts that offer solutions to stated problems and that promote specific products. For example: Use the amazing jackets and crash testimonials of Fox Creek Leather and write “3 Reasons the Right Leather Jacket Could Save Your Life.”

3. Join the conversation. By joining in the discussion on various communities and social media, you build your reputation as a trusted community member, not just another marketer hawking wares. You may also discover new markets for products that you hadn’t yet considered.

4. Engage your readers who are also customers. Start a section on your niche blog specifically for reader submissions and ask your readers to submit
their own experiences or photos of them using the products you’ve
promoted. Additional social proof AND engagement!

5. Promote related products. Have you discovered that one magical
post, ad or product that seems to always make you commissions?
Find products that are related to it and have a similar target
market and create content for those products as well.

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