Angel Djambazov - Partner/Business Development

Farmer, book collector, and foodie, Angel Djambazov has spent his professional career in the fields of journalism and digital marketing. In his journalistic career, he worked as an editor on several newspapers and was the founding Editor-in-Chief of Wyoming Homes and Living Magazine. Later, his career path led to digital marketing where, while working at OnlineShoes, he earned the Affiliate Manager of the Year (2006) award at Affiliate Summit, and In-house Manager of the Year (2006) award by ABestWeb.

Parlaying those awards, Angel launched Custom Tailored Marketing and became the agency of record for Jones Soda and KEEN (for which he won his second Affiliate Manager of the Year award in 2009.) In 2010, he won his third Pinnacle Award for Affiliate Marketing Advocate of the Year. In 2011 Angel was listed as one of the Top 25 Performance Marketing Influencers according to an ImpactRadius survey.

An entrepreneur at heart, Angel was on the founding team and served as the CMO for the startup which was acquired by Rakuten LinkShare in 2013.

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