Unity Affiliate Program Search Engine Guidelines

Unity allows affiliate partners to participate in search engine ad campaigns under the following guidelines. Please read these guidelines carefully and fully.

Prohibited behavior:

  • Affiliates may not bid on any Unity Trademark terms, permutations, plurals, variations or misspellings thereof
  • Affiliates may not use any Unity URL as the display URL of search marketing campaigns. This includes Unity.com, Unity3d.com, Assetstore.unity.com, or any derivation or typo of Unity URLs.
  • Affiliates may not direct link to any Unity URL from paid search campaigns using an affiliate link
  • Affiliates may not claim to be Unity at any time, using the term “official site” in any ads, or otherwise presenting a search campaign as being from an official site.

Encouraged behavior:

  • Affiliates should negative match any trademarked terms or derivations to avoid any violation.
  • Affiliates may bid on their own trademark terms, as long as they do not include any protected Unity Trademark terms.
  • Affiliates may bid on any of our provided recommended keywords
  • Affiliates may direct link from their own sites and social media accounts

If you have an audience interested in gaming we’d love to work with you.
Join the Unity Affiliate Program here!

Contact us if you have any questions, need help generating links or navigating the affiliate interface!

About Unity

Unity is the creator of the world’s most widely used real-time 3D (RT3D) development platform, giving developers around the world the tools to create rich, interactive 2D, 3D, VR and AR experiences. Unity’s 800+ person engineering team works alongside partners such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Oculus to ensure optimized support for the latest releases and platforms.

Experiences made with Unity reach nearly 5 billion devices worldwide each month and 71% of the top 1,000 mobile games were made with Unity. Unity is powering RT3D in architecture, automotive, construction, engineering, film, games, and more. Discover More

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