On Networking (Part 1): The Basics & the Body

Green Aloe Vera Plant

It is estimated that about 80% of people find their job through someone they know. Everyone knows networking is important, and many resources on networking for marketing professionals try to help by saying we need to “build genuine relationships.” But how do we actually do that?

In this 3-part blog series, we offer in depth and actionable advice for working professionals in and beyond affiliate marketing on how to network successfully. We start with the body, because it turns out you can’t go anywhere without it, and other networking fundamentals.

Depth of Field Photography of Mallard Duck on Body of Water

1. Go in with a Duck Mindset

The first day of a large marketing event can feel like the first day of school in the cafeteria trying to figure out where to sit. You can feel the prickle of nervousness in the air. There are what seem like the cool kids, standing around with their phones, waiting for people they know to meet them, and then there’s everybody else: trying hard to sit or stand while not looking awkward.

Remember to breathe, stay hydrated, and go outside for sun and air breaks as needed. If you feel nervous that you’ll be shut down if you try and talk to someone, people will feel that. Try and get your duck mindset on before you even walk in: water off a duck’s back for anyone and anything that doesn’t serve you. It’ll help keep the jerks at bay and help you feel safe in strange social environments (which we are not programmed to feel comfortable in, evolutionarily).

2. Bring Snacks and Water

This one might not seem related to networking, but blood sugar and hydration affect our mood much more than we think. Interacting with hundreds of strangers is not a natural state for human beings. It requires an immense amount of energy–especially (but not only) if you are more on the introverted spectrum (more on that in part 3).

Although most meetings have snacks, having your own will give you control over your environment and physical person. Everyone’s eating habits are different, and you won’t feel quite like yourself if you’re putting weird food or drink in your body. Bring snacks that are quiet, clean and easy to eat, for eating during panels or in a rush when you realize you’re getting woozy.

3. Wear something Comment-Worthy

At every professional conference, people are standing around trying to figure out how to strike up a conversation (our biz dev specialist Angel Djambazov sported this rad Deadpool shirt recently at Affiliate Summit East).

Consider wearing a graphic T-shirt or a statement piece that someone can remark upon. It gives people an excuse to break the ice, and they will be grateful, either consciously or unconsiously. If you are wearing a completely unremarkable outfit, you’re making it that much harder for people to find an excuse to strike up a conversation.

We’ll go ahead and remind that you want people to comment for the right reasons. People commenting that your shirt is inappropriate or those shoes look super uncomfortable is less than ideal. Also, wearing a statement piece gives you the added advantage of being point-out-able in the crowd. An added advantage in any large networking event.

4. Think Strategically, Not Hierarchically

Part of what adds to networking jitters is the energy of competition. You can tell when someone only wants to talk to people who can do something for them. Although some people think that’s what networking is, it is physically depleting to run on this energy and also somewhat unattractive. Instead, try being your most social self.

The best way to make the kinds of genuine connections that lead to professional success are to be kind and friendly to everyone. You are not a hunter, you are a detective. Your goal is to be genuinely yourself, to stay curious, and, above all, to observe. That is the combination that will lead you to seeing potential in connections that others will miss, all while enjoying yourself.

Our next post on networking will unpack what “building genuine relationships” means and how to actually do it.

Featured image by Pixabay

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